Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises

Life is challenging and sometimes the impact of this continues to be felt in the body long after the experiences have passed. Universal & repetitive muscle responses to threatening experiences may increase muscle tension and enact physiological change. Releasing this tension through body-based therapy may be beneficial.

One such process is that which has been developed by Dr. David Berceli, called Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises or TRE. This is a self-empowering, body- based technique which utilises simple exercises designed to invoke the body’s natural neurogenic tremor mechanism.

Berceli, recognised the role of the psoas muscle in self-protective contractions and releasing of bodily tension through tremoring/shaking. When this natural shaking response of the psoas is activated, it can extend throughout the body, releasing tension and residual energy as it does. Deep, chronic muscle contractions thus released, complete the original dis-regulated stress response to restore balance and promote resiliency when practiced over time. As experiences are unique, so are each person’s tremors.

Some of the reported benefits are increased energy levels, improved sleep patterns, improved functioning of the immune system, relaxed muscle tension patterns with reduced back pain, improved relationship with self and others, better management of stress.

It is recommended that several sessions are experienced with a trained TRE Provider in order to monitor and regulate the initial tremoring process.

Currently, I offer TRE sessions for individuals and groups.